Teaching & Learning

Teaching for Learning is our core responsibility. Our vision is to deliver at least one year’s growth in learning for every student, every school year, and to encourage students’ to strive for their personal best. Teaching and Learning at our College include the content of lessons, how we teach, what we model, and how we treat each other. We believe that strong relationships are central to the learning process. Students who feel safe and supported are more likely to perform at their personal best.  

We recognise that each child is an individual, with different God-given talents that need to be nurtured by providing opportunities for growth spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. We seek to provide a safe and supportive environment where students are nurtured and encouraged to explore, develop and excel.  

We believe that your children are preparing for a very different world from the one we know. We believe that in today’s schools, 21st Century knowledge, understanding and skills must be at the heart of great teaching and inspired learning. While young people must develop a core of academic content, and see the relevancy of their learning, we also seek to develop students’ learning character. Additionally, we need to develop core employability and life skills as outlined by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). Learning to collaborate with others, solve problems, think creatively and connect through technology are essential competencies for success in work or life.  

Employers will not necessarily be looking for people who are able to replicate what is already done, but those who can challenge current practices, find new solutions and readily respond to disruptions brought about by changes in social and cultural contexts.  

In Foundation to Year 10 these skills are embedded in the General Capabilities of Literacy, Numeracy, ICT Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical and Intercultural Understanding. 

In our Senior Years, the underpinning factors embedded within each Subject Area include Critical and Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Team Work and Personal and Social Skills.